Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kim Kardashian Picks Up Her Ferrari 458

There were rumors that Kim Kardashian had bought herself a Ferrari as a wedding gift (which kinda made me laugh tinking back to when she was driving Reggie's Ferrari F430) and while we don't know if she bought it for herself or if her husband bought it for her we do know that she picked up her White Ferrari 458 from Platinum Motorsport last night.  By the looks of it I think Platinum outfitted it with some wheels but I don't know what else they did... maybe some new pedals to accommodate 5 inch heels better 

kim kardashian in her ferrari 458 550x412 Kim Kardashian Picks Up Her Ferrari 458

kim kardashians ferrari 458 550x336 Kim Kardashian Picks Up Her Ferrari 458

Here is what it looked like before going to Platinum Motorsport.

kim kardashian ferrari before 550x222 Kim Kardashian Picks Up Her Ferrari 458

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